Thursday, April 28, 2011


As the winter SSSLLLLOOOOWWWWLLLLYYYY slips into spring, I am here to catch all of you up on whats been going on in my life.

Life is good, I guess. If you only knew all the pain and crap I've been dealing with, but when I look back onto all my life, the things I'm dealing with right now are small compared to what I could be dealing with, or what I have dealt with in the past. My friends at Moody are finishing their spring semester at college these next couple of weeks and I can't feel sad and jealous of them. I keep on trying to keep a good head with all of these things- it doesnt matter how long it takes me to go through college, as long as I don't give up. But on the other hand, as I see my friends, who I started out with, exceeding me in everything, I can't hep feeling distressed. Distressed at myself and at God for allowing this to happen to me again and again. Why can't I do this school thing? I've never been allowed to finish anything- why? But I praise the Lord no matter what happens in my life... no matter no matter.

This summer I am staying in Chicago in a little basement apartment in East Garfield Park, working at the private Christian elementary school I've been working part-time at this semester. I will be a Summer Camp Counseller for their summer day camp program, with my little first and second graders! I am looking forward to this job, and looking forward to learning more and more about how to work with kids, building a foundation in order to prehaps become a teacher myself one day! I rejoice for the opportunity, it's going to be really nice to live in the city and work in the city... Pray that my attitude remains that way througout! :)

My bitterness towards my morning job has been appeased only by the reminder that I will only be working it for another month. Dog walking these last couple of months has given me the realization that 1)I don't need a dog for awhile... and 2)I'm DEFINITELY a people person :)

Some things I want to praise the Lord for: MY JOBS... although I have been having a negative attitude towards one of them, I AM truly grateful for them- thank you Lord!
My old high school friend from Clarenceville Highschool, a friend whom I've been praying for for over four years just informed me that he's been going to church and pursuing God! I remember pleading for his life, interceding on his behalf, asking that God would save him. And although I am unsure if he's saved or just seeking, I PRAISE HIM for answered prayer- even if it took four years!

My friends: Lord I praise you for the community and support you have given me here in Chicago! I can't even start to describe how much I love these people.

Thank you all for praying for me these last few hard months. I know the fight has not ended, it is just beginning! Praise him! FOR THE KINGDOM!!!
